Say hello to the 2800 acre Neverland Valley .. and ode a farewell to the owner, Michael Jackson..
Whilst sum of u proly dun care bout the death of the King of Pop who's attained 750 million record sale and 13 Grammy Awards, but there are hundreds of millions out there who care bout this once charismatic sensational singer, since any entertainer/ celebrity can touch any single soul despite ur thoughts that this is shallow..but not for these people..

So far Michael's death is still a mystery deriving from his death on Thursday afternoon (In asian time it should be beginning of friday) at a Los Angeles hospital, where he had been rushed in full cardiac arrest after collapsing at his nearby rental home in LA. Madonna, the ex who's linked to another king of POp of 50s, Lisa Marie Presley, are mourning at its melancholic time. Another top mourner goes to the bosom friend 'Cleopatra' Elizabeth Taylor..
Beside his moon-walking and crotch-grappling style, it's his scenic and spell-binding videoclips which uniqueness won't be erased as time forward. Who'll beat that creepy scene and ghost dance 'Thriller' and 'Black and White' the most brilliant idea of video ever made..
Sum flashback n spotlight of Michael Jackson..